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  • Kosaka
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Kosaka Mine Office

The Kosaka mine office was built in 1905 during the boom years of the mine, at that time the most productive in Japan. The three-story renaissance style building is constructed of local Akita cedar and noted for the highly refined spiral staircase. Inside, educational exhibits showcase the history of the town and local sightseeing locations. On the first floor, a gift shop sells local products including the town specialty, acacia honey.
  • Kosaka
  • Nature and Scenery
  • Souvenirs & Specialty Products
  • Events and Festivals
  • Experiences and Tours

Korakukan Theater

Constructed in 1910 for the enjoyment of local miners, the theater boasts a unique Western façade with a traditional Japanese interior. Shows are still held on a regular basis, over a century since the first curtain call. Guided tours before and after performances take guests backstage to see famous kabuki actor autographs and under-stage to view the rotating stage mechanism.
  • Kitaakita
  • Nature and Scenery
  • Souvenirs & Specialty Products
  • Experiences and Tours

Nishine Smithy

Knife “Mataginagasa” is the spirit of Matagi. Blacksmith Nagasa the third, Minoru Nishine, once was also a Matagi. His smithy is well preserved with high authenticity. Currently it is managed by Nishine’s wife, Makoto. She will personally explain the Mataginagasa, together with the Matagi culture and story of Nishine and blacksmith life. Before purchasing the Mataginagasa, let’s feel the spirit of Matagi and Makoto’s warm smile.
  • Odate
  • Nature and Scenery
  • Souvenirs & Specialty Products

Odate-Kosaka Rail Bike

One of the most popular family-friendly activites in the area! Specially designed bicycles allow guetsts to ride on the decommissioned Kosaka Railway tracks. Along the way, riders can enjoy breathtaking views while crossing the Nagaki River. Perfect for the whole family!