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  • Kitaakita
  • Hot Springs and Hotel

Yosei no Mori Cottage Laulu

妖精の森コテージラウルは、秋田県森吉山麓に位置します。 北欧風コテージをはじめ、山荘、キャンプ場などの皆様のスタイルに合わせた宿泊施設の他、春、夏、秋シーズンを通して遊べるアウトドアスポーツをご用意しております。 グループでファミリーで楽しめる施設となっております。
  • Kosaka
  • Hot Springs and Hotel

Lake Side Yama-no-Ie (Kosaka Town)

  • Kitaakita
  • Nature and Scenery
  • Experiences and Tours
  • Hot Springs and Hotel

Matagi Museum

The Matagi culture dates back centuries. Living deep in the mountains, they sustained their villages through hunting bear and other practices. Modern Akita in Japan can trace their way of life back to the Ani region in Kitaakita where it first began. The Matagi Museum, conveniently located next to Utto Hot Springs, displays authentic Matagi articles including hunting tools and clothing. For those looking to understand the history and culture of the area, it is a must-see. An audio guide introducing this fascinating Matagi culture is readied in the museum. If you have a smartphone, you can listen to commentary in English or Chinese, as well as Japanese. In addition, since the recording can be displayed on the mobile phone screen, ensuring people with hearing impairments can also learn Matagi culture.
  • Kitaakita
  • Nature and Scenery
  • Experiences and Tours
  • Hot Springs and Hotel

Futamataso House

Upon the passing of the former owner, the splendid Futamata-sō was refurbished as an annex of the Ani-no-Mori Buna Hotel. Every year local food tastings are held in the spacious traditional tatami rooms. According to legend, Nekko village was founded by defeated warriors fleeing from southern Japan. The isolated location of the village gave birth to unique customs. The Matagi hunting culture is said to have started in Nekko and the traditional village dances, performed in August, are designated Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan.