Tsuzureko Shrine Festival

Heart-pounding giant drums

  • Kitaakita
  • Events and Festivals

The Tsuzureko Shrine Festival dates back over 750 years ago to 1262. At that time, the upper and lower sections of the town began to compete to see who could build the biggest drum. The competition reached an apex in 1989 when one a drum 3.71 meters in diameter was officially recognized by the Guiness Book of World Records as the world’s largest drum. However, now an even larger drum 3.8 meters in diameter has been built.
The festival itself serves three purposes; to pray for rain, to drive away crop-eating insects, and to pray for an abundant harvest. Groups from both sides of town ride their drums up and down the streets in the hopes that their beating will reverberate up to heaven while vilalgers perform lion dances below.


【Where】 Tsuzureko Shrine (46 Nishidate Tudureko Kitaakita City)

【When】July 14, 2018 Festival-eve 19:00 … ※Rain or shine / July 15, 2018 Main Festival 11:00 … ※Rain or shine
※2018 event finished.

【Contact】Odaiko Drum Museum TEL:0186-63-0111



Tsuzureko Shrine (46 Nishidate Tudureko Kitaakita City)