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  • Odate
  • Hot Springs and Hotel

PokaPoka Hot Spring Hotel

PokaPoka Hot Spring Hotel is a reasonably price business hotel just 5 minute by car from Odate Station. The 100% natural hot spring water is rich in calcium, sodium, and other vital minerals. Take a break after a long day of business or sightseeing at this relaxing hotel.
  • Odate
  • Hot Springs and Hotel

Beniyamaso Cabins

天然温泉付きの宿泊施設「比内ベニヤマ荘」・大葛金山に関する資料を展示する「大葛金山ふるさと館」・6人宿泊できる「コテージ」・キャンプ広場などの施設があります。 また、パークには小さな子どもから楽しめる滑り台やスカイロープ、ブランコなどの大型複合遊具やアスレチック遊具のほか、多目的広場やステージ、キャンプ広場、炊事棟、ファイヤーサークル、トイレなどもあって、自然を体いっぱい感じながら1日中アウトドアライフが楽しむことができます。
  • Odate
  • Hot Springs and Hotel

Goshiki-Ko Lodge (Odate City)

  • Odate
  • Events and Festivals

Amekko Ichi (Candy Festival)

Amekko Ichi dates back over 400 years and is steeped in legends. According to one such legend, fesitval goers who buy candy from one of the vendors will fend off colds for the remainder of winter. Candy stalls fill the main street and tree branches decorated with candy attached line the sidewalks.
  • Odate
  • Events and Festivals

Tori no Ichi (Food Festival)

Hinai chicken is renowned for its rich flavor and sought after by chefs around the country. Every January the Hinai area of Odate celebrates it’s namesake chicken with the Tori no Ichi festival. There are games, performances (chicken calling competition!), and of course lots of food for guests to enjoy.
  • Odate
  • Events and Festivals

Odate Shining Street

Approximately 900,000 lights on one of Odate’s main avenues are illuminated from December through the new year. From 16:30 to 1:00 the next morning, the lights are turned on every evening to bring some color and warmth to the cold winter nights. The illumination stretches for 900 m from the municipal hospital towards Odate Station. On December 31st the lights are kept on all night until first light on New Years morning.
  • Odate
  • Events and Festivals

Goshikiko Festival

Every year the changing of the leaves is celebrated on the banks of Goshikiko Lake. There are games like bobbing for apples, bingo, and more. Visitors also get the chance to enter inside of the Yamase dam which is usually structly off limits.
  • Odate
  • Events and Festivals

Kiritampo Festival

Kiritampo is the most famous food from Akita Prefecture. It is made by mashing newly harvest rice and grilling it on a wooden skwerer around a fire. Kiritampo can be enjoyed many ways, but most well-known is a stew call kiritampo-nabe that uses local vegetables and Hinai chicken. Every year Odate hosts the Kiritampo Festival after the autumn rice harvset, when the rice is the most delicioius. Restaurants gather from around the region to compete to see who makes the best kiritampo-nabe and serve new kiritampo recipes. Throughout the festival there are live musical performances, dance shows, and plenty of hands-on activities!
  • Odate
  • Events and Festivals

Rose Festival: Autumn Season

Of the over 500 rose varites at the Ishida Rose Garden, some only bloom in early autumn. These roses tend to be lighter in color and have a sublter fragrance than their spring-blooming counterparts. Swing by the festival to enjoy these elegant flowers.
  • Odate
  • Events and Festivals

Odate Shinmeisha Festival

The Odate Shinmeisha Festival is held in late summer to pray for an abundant harvest. Neighborhoods around the city pull large, decorated floats around the city which carry dancers and musicians. On the first night of the festival the floats converege on the center of town for a blessing by the shrine priest. On the second night, a purifying water fight is held in the center of town to the delight of spectators.