Lake Towada

Stunning Caldera Lake

  • Kosaka
  • Nature and Scenery

Lake Towada was formed roughly 200,000 years ago by a series of volcanic eruptions. The resulting crater was the slowly filled with rainwater until it reached a depth of 327m (1,073ft), making it the third deepest lake in Japan. The sky and surrounding mountains reflected in the glassy lake surface is a sight you need to see to believe!
Flowing 14km from Lake Towada to Yakiyama, the Oirase Gorge is a popular tourist destination for its pristine natural scenery.


【Address】Towadako, Kosaka-machi, Kazuno-gun, Akita character straight appearance

【Fixed closing day】Without holiday (as for the winter season, unavailable because of snow)


【Lake Towada】
Towadakooide Kosaka Town, Kazuno gun, Akita